Dreams and aspirations are the foundation of what you will one day be.
They are the hope and excitement to the possibilities of what could be.

Goals bridge the gap between your dreams and aspirations and your reality. With a goal, your dreams and aspirations can become real, without goals you only have dreams.

About The Goal Organizer

The Goal Organizer for your Dreams and Aspirations has four fundamental concepts:

Determine your goals:

To realize your dreams and aspirations, first DETERMINE which of them is most important to you right now and transform it into your goal. All of your dreams and aspirations are important and they can all be reached, but to be successful with any of them you should work on just one at a time. Once you have achieved your first goal, determine your next most important dream or aspiration and make it your next goal.

Develop action steps for your goals:

Once you have determined your goal, your next step is to DEVELOP action steps for it. Action steps are the individual tasks you will need to complete to achieve your goal. Think and write down as many action steps as possible once you have determined your goal and then each day afterwards think and develop additional action steps that will be necessary to reach your goal.

Take Action to achieve your goals:

Once you have developed action steps for your goal you can then plan to take ACTION to complete them. Taking action means believing in yourself and believing in your goal and doing whatever it takes to compete your action steps to achieve your goal. The Goal Organizer for your Dreams and Aspirations includes The Action Step Organizer to assist you in organizing your action steps as you prepare to complete them.

Think about your goals:

To reach your dreams and aspirations and achieve your goals so you can live your life according to your own specifications you need to THINK. Not just random thoughts, but specifically about your dreams and aspirations and your goals and how you plan to achieve them. The Goal Organizer for your Dreams and Aspirations includes The Daily Thought Organizer which is a place to think and write down your thoughts and ideas so you can stay motivated and focused on your goals until you have achieved them.

  • You can do whatever you make up your mind to do if you take the time to think and choose what it is you truly want to do.

  • Action steps are your blueprints for successfully reaching your goal.

  • Determining your goals and developing action steps for your goals are worthless without taking action to complete them.

  • You become what you think about.

About the Author

Hello.  My name is Robert (Bob) Johnson.  The Goal Organizer for your Dreams and Aspirations is my creation and it came about from my personal experiences trying to navigate the tumultuous waters of life.  I graduated from the University of Maine with a degree in accounting and political studies.  After graduation, I accepted a job in the accounting field and subsequently began a career in business.  I married my college sweetheart soon after and we eventually started a family together.   As my career evolved, I began to question my career choice and began wondering why I chose the path I did.  In the beginning, it seemed like a good plan, but over the years the initial excitement of my job began to fade and I started to realize this was not what I wanted to do.  I wanted to wake up every morning and look forward to the day ahead knowing I was doing what I loved to do.  I decided to read books and listen to audio on the subject of self-improvement to see if I could find answers to my dilemma.  As I read and listened it became quite clear how much I didn’t know.  I soon understood that my original career path was not what I thought it was because although I learned all I could from textbooks and general experience, I never took the time to learn about myself and what made me the unique individual that I was.  What was I good at?  What was I passionate about?  What could I do better than anyone else?  I learned that I could actually do anything I made up my mind to do if I took the time to think and discover exactly what that was.

Three things became crystal clear if I wanted to move my life in a different direction. 
I needed to think. I needed to have goals and I needed to take action to achieve my goals.

This made perfect sense.  So I began to think, not just random thoughts, but specifically on how to improve myself and how to change my direction to a course better aligned with myself.  I tried to spend an hour a day thinking and writing down my ideas on these two topics.  It was amazing how many ideas I came up with.  Not all of them were great, but many of them were.  Next, if I was to use my ideas to make changes, I would need to have goals.  I had goals in the past, but they never seemed to materialize as planned.  I would start out enthusiastically and put as much effort as I could into them, but they always seemed to fizzle and fade away.  Either they were the wrong goal or I wasn’t taking the right action steps to complete them.  As it turned out, it was both.  All of the concepts I read about seemed to be working, thinking, goals, taking action, but something was still missing.  I needed a way to help me keep track of my thoughts and ideas, to help me determine the right goals to work on and to help develop steps to take action, and to keep me on track until I achieved my goals.  Then one day my thinking paid off and my vision for The Goal Organizer, for your Dreams and Aspirations came to me. 

The joy of my life is my wife Katie, my four children, Jen, Chris, Ali, Ross and my four grandchildren, Grace, Tyler, Tucker, and Cooper.  My children were instrumental in the development of the Goal Organizer because I wanted them to think and make good choices for themselves and not make the same mistakes I had made.  I love the saying, “love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life” and I want my children to embrace this lifestyle.  I knew The Goal Organizer for your Dreams and Aspirations would be the right tool to guide my children and hopefully many others to think regularly, set goals regularly and take action regularly and to make sure they were always moving in the direction of their dreams and aspirations.